Commonly a Mexican dish a Tex-Mex "little strips" ordinarily beef skirt cut up, fried and served with spices in a tortillas wrap with an array of finger foods. In restaurants it tends to be served on a red hot skillet leaving a trail of choking dense spicy smoke in its wake. The dish has been jazzed up for profitability, in the food economy beef has been replaced with cheaper meats like chicken and even pork.
The beauty of Fajitas just like all Mexican food is how versatile it is, it can be manipulated into literally thousands of combinations depending on your tastes, spice, meats, veggies, its open ended.
Roast Chicken, why roast chicken and not just chicken, well to be economical and price sensitive its actually cheaper to buy a fresh roast chicken then it is to buy a pack of chicken fillets, once sliced up and fried the results is all too commonly dry, rubbery and a complete waste of money, down side to a roast is the time to cook, but put this aside and the meat is always moist, tender and delicious.
Roast Chicken Fajitas Brought from Tesco's Serves 4 £16.81 = £4.20 per person.
- 1 x re fried spicy beans 215g tin £0.78
- 1 x discovery fajita seasoning £0.89
- 1 x 8 large tortillas wraps £1.40
- 1 x Tex Mex multi pack dips £2.20
- 1 x 250g mature cheddar grated £2.00
- 1 x iceberg lettuce £1.00
- 3 x large loose brown onions £0.57
- 1 x Whole chicken 2-4 pers £4.96
- 1 x Tesco pancetta cubed £3.00
Once the chicken is cooked take out and remove from the roasting tin on to a clean chopping board, cover with foil, fry off the Pancetta, set aside, and then peel and chop the onions, fry off and again set aside in a separate bowl. slice the lettuce in to a bowl. Open and drain the re fried beans put into a microwavable container and microwave for 90 seconds or until hot, alternatively fry gently.
uncover the chicken and slice the chicken in my version I had plain breast meat and the remaining meat I sprinkled over the fajita seasoning.
Lastly place your wraps in a microwave for 30 seconds or wrapped in tinfoil in the oven for 2 minutes, to allow a bit of heat in them gives them a warm elasticated feel, easier to actually wrap.
Assemble the wraps as you please and enjoy.
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